segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2012

The day weekend I got next to no sleep…

So after “living” in Brazil for 9 months one would think that I would have gotten better at planning out my weekends…yeah I didn’t think so either

SAMBO IS COMING TO TOWN! Minha cidade! Sao Pedro! For those back home that might not be a big deal, but for us folk here in Brazil it’s a HUGE deal! For those who don’t know, Sambo is a mixture of rock and pop songs with a samba beat added to it. Popular songs such as “This Love” by Maroon 5 and “Bloody Sunday” by U2 are but a few to have had a saucy samba beat added to it. So obviously because Sambo was coming to town everyone was needing a new dress…a new pair of shoes…. A new belt that made an old dress look new…etc. I however already knew what I was wearing and therefore didn’t technically I didn’t need to go shopping of any kind. But just like all of the other girls I was helpless to the powers of shopping and found myself along with all the other girls in the shops frantically searching for something pretty to wear.

 After two weeks of preparing and re-preparing the day of Sambo arrived. It was going to be held on a Friday evening rather than the Saturday evening because last Saturday was a holiday here in Brazil. Because of this hardly anyone went to school that Friday, and the few that did just spoke about one topic…I’ll give you three chances to guess what it was :P. after a long day of waiting to get ready the night arrived! I met up with my friends round about 10 o’clock to get ready. After a massive round of “no I don’t want make up!” and “please, you will look prettier than you already do!” everyone, me included (I lost the makeup battle :/ ) was caked in makeup ready for the show! :D The show started at 1 in the morning but because Sambo is so popular in my city people started to line up at 11:30 at night! Half an hour later we finally got into the club and it was time to dance the night away! :D We danced to pre-Sambo music for about an hour before it was time for them to take the stage…and they were soo worth the wait! The show was amazing! Everyone was singing and dancing with everyone else. Half way through the show I ended up losing my friends for abit but it was okay because the people I didn’t know danced with me until I was found by my friends! The show lasted for about two hours and I can honestly say I danced for every second of it. It’s impossible to keep still when Sambo is playing! Towards the end of the last song I caught the eye of the one of the guys playing the ukulele. He smiled at me and I smiled back at him. When the song had finished threw the pic he was playing with towards me and winked. I can now say that I am the proud owner of a pic which was used in a live Sambo show! :D by time it was ready to leave it was early half three in the morning and all I really wanted was my bed. Unfortunately I couldn’t have it because my family and I were off to a water park five hours away from my city….

Read about what happened at the water park in; the weekend I got next to no sleep Part II