quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2011

The day I arrived in Brazil :’)

the sun on the day that I left England

On the 27th of July 2011 at 6:05 in the morning I landed in one of Brazils biggest cities; Sao Paulo. Why I hear you ask? Well in the year of 2011 to 2012 I get the pleasure of calling myself a rotary youth exchange student :’)

After an exhausting 11 and a half hour flight with my fellow exchange – Millie, I managed to make my way though customs and security to meet my new host family for the year at arrivals. As I turned the corner, Millie and I were greeted with a massive banner and huge round of applause. We were suddenly surrounded by people hugging and kissing our cheeks as we stumbled through the crowd. As overwhelming as it was, it was lovely to know that we were welcome in this new country. I said goodbye to Millie because we wouldn’t be living in the same state and walked out airport to start my life as an exchange student living in Brazil. :’)

the amazing view from my house!
The area I’m in is called Sao Pedro and it is about three hours away from Sao Paulo City. As we drove away from the airport towards Sao Pedro I began to notice that all the massive buildings started to melt away and there was more and more greenery. Looks like I was living in the countryside of Brazil I thought it was *muuuito legal* (very cool) seeing as I have lived in a busy city all my life. As I arrived at my new house all I could look at was the view, there was a maaaaassive mountain within walking distance!

As I was unpacking my things in my new room I thought I might be able to sleep the rest of day away ( England is five hours behind Brazil so I was pretty jetlagged) but nope the Brazilians had other plans for me! My host sister had been invited out and asked me if I wanted to come with so I agreed. I met all of my host sisters friends and watched a movie, in English thankfully, and got home just after midnight and so ended my first day in brazil :) pretty cool way to start my life in a new country don’t you think? :p

one of my host familys =]